Category Career Advice

Communication Skills – Jack of All Trades

A “workplace” is a jungle of expectations. Many skills assist an individual in being a well- rounded employee. A bundle of skills comprising of “Oral Communication skills”, “written communications skills”, “technical skills”, “leadership skills”, “analytical abilities” make an individual a…

6 Unknowns, Which Are Relevant To Our Economy!

If, we could predict the future, accurately, and consistently, many things, would be easier, and more successful, to accomplish and achieve! It would make things, such as, successful investing, purchasing investment real estate, buying a home (at the best opportunity),…

When Was the Last Time You Played?

Here is a question for you: When was the last time you played? Seriously (there’s a bit of a paradox already!), when was the last time you really (I mean REALLY) had fun doing something? If you are like many…

Public Speaking Manners – Etiquette Issues

There are always two distinct roles at play when speaking. The audience has a passive role and the speaker has an active one. This is an essential dynamic. Audience and speaker communicate well with each other to the degree that…

How Will You Go Through College?

Young adults go to college for different reasons and do it in different ways. Some go for social reasons, some to satisfy their parents expectations, others for the challenge, but most students see college as a way to obtain their…

Internet Marketing Forums And Their Effects

Internet marketing and business forums are in abundance of all kinds of information. The information located in forums are very helpful when it comes to your business, but forum topics may vary. Starters and pioneers alike are always visiting various…

Showing Appreciation to Workplace Un-Sung Heroes

Millions of Un-Sung Heroes are born every minute! They are found everywhere–on street corners, in our homes, offices, and communities–wherever there are people in need of rescue. These special people, whose positive actions and initiatives are performed to benefit others,…

Virtual Assistant Work Advantages

Nowadays, this generation is a fast-paced development in the field of internet computer technology. Wherever we go traveling around the world, most people engaged in technology like using gadgets such laptops and cellphones because it gives benefits to them and…

Don’t Let Life Happen to You

Don’t Let Life Happen To You It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live. – Marcus Aurelius (121-80 AD, Roman Emperor, Philosopher) It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the…

Learning Management System Basics

A Learning Management System (LMS) can provide tremendous benefits both for the training department and for the organization in general. There are numerous choices for LMS providers, as well as functionalities, so an LMS implementation project can become quite confusing.…

Online Marketing: Business Case Or Business Waste?

This article will explain some of the advantages of online marketing via search engine results page (SERP) and then provide several business case examples of using SERP and potential opportunities. Since the mid-1990s businesses have sought answers to how to…

Getting Under the Overqualified Dilemma

The concept of being “overqualified” is intriguing. Job seekers who are desperate for employment rarely agree with this assessment when being denied jobs. If you’ve ever been lumped into the “overqualified” category you are not alone. In fact, you join…

Conversations That Connect

Ever read a job ad like this? “Wanted, poor communicator who will alienate our customers.” How about a personal ad like this? “Seeking someone who will ignore me, dominate the conversation and make me feel unwanted.” Not likely, is it?…

Top 10 Reasons Home Based Businesses Fail!

Something For Nothing Syndrome Let me be perfectly honest with you, there is no such thing as something for nothing, but you already knew that didn’t you. Then why are there so many home based business and success programs being…

Self-Awareness and Your Career

Psychology plays a significant role in the development of our careers. It starts with identifying our work interests when we are young and expands over time to include interpersonal relations, self-motivation, passion for what we do, attitudes toward superiors, team…

20 Ways to Prepare For a Career in Graphic Design

Many design students have a hard time transitioning from student to employees simply because of a lack of preparation. With the graphic design industry being so competitive, it’s important to make yourself stand out from your competitors. Graphic design is…

Top 10 Myths About Online Education

Are you considering advanced education, but are a little apprehensive of online education? Below are the top ten myths about online degree programs- disproved! After reading this, you won’t want to wait to find the best online program that’s right…

Career Opportunities in the Media World

Entering in to a Career in the Media World is challenging but very exciting. Media channels can include radio, cinema, press, television, outdoor spaces, mail, the web and mobile communications. There are literally hundreds of Job roles in all these…