Working After Retirement – What Are The Options If You Don’t Want To Hang Up Your Boots?

Working after retirement is currently a hot potato. It seems that baby boomers just can’t get enough of work and have either been delaying retirement, or foregoing it altogether. What rascals! The subject is unfortunately a pandora’s box of issues – open the lid and you don’t know what will leap out. In this article, I will be looking at working after retirement – what are the options if you don’t want to hang up your boots?

Unfortunately for many people, bad planning and the economy has played such havoc with their finances, they can’t afford to hang up their boots. Ten percent of workers aged 60+ who took part in a recent survey for CareerBuilder said that they didn’t think they would ever be able to give up work. For them, working after retirement isn’t an option – it’s a must.

An encouraging aspect to emerge is the fact that so many employers have been open to allowing baby boomers to stay on after retirement. A real cynic might be tempted to think along the ‘cheapest wages’ option, but that would be unfair to the hard-working retirees who are happy to stay employed.

So – what are your options if you simply don’t want to hang up your boots yet?

1) Save your pension. It is possible to put off claiming your State pension so that you get a higher payment. This includes the option of claiming a lump sum, or getting a higher weekly payout later. Plus if you would like to continue working after retirement but have already started collecting your pension, you can cancel it and reapply later. (But you can do this only once). See the Directgov Pensions and retirement planning site for details.

2) Find a part-time job. This option gives you the best of both worlds, depending on your reason for working after retirement. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box a little. If you are an early riser, consider applying for jobs that need early morning staff cover some days a week, and find something else that starts later in the day for other days of the week. Who said you have to stick with just one job?

3) Where should you look? Usual places, plus those with seasonal work or unsocial hours, anywhere you have previously worked, anywhere you would have liked to work (competitor?), anywhere you can teach your skills, be a consultant for contractors, or even start working for yourself.

If you are employed or have been employed in a particularly specialist field, or if you have valuable information that could benefit others, why not consider starting up as a consultant in your own home-based business? This option requires a professional approach in all aspects of business and marketing, so make yourself a coffee, pull up a chair and check out our internet business centre. I hope you have enjoyed my review on working after retirement – what are the options if you don’t want to hang up your boots?

Source by Olive Bush

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